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Tyre Parts Recycling Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2021-02-27.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Reclaimed Tire Parts : AVAILABLE TO SELL


Passenger light truck and car side walls .
Un-debeaded sidewalls from passenger tires slit at the shoulder, including 11", 12", 13", 14" 15" & P16"rim sizes.

Listing ID: LA1299951
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
5000 each Month
Price Funds Per Unit
0.50 USD each

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 514 ) DATE
LA1368551 Available Steel Friction/Rubberized Tire Cord- Uncured Rubber Scrap. 2024-08-13 09:37:00
LA1368550 Available Fabric Friction/Rubberized Tire Cord- Uncured Rubber Scrap. 2024-08-13 09:30:00
LA1368329 Available Bead Wire . 2024-08-07 06:38:00
LA1367343 Available Steel Friction/Rubberized Tire Cord- Uncured Rubber Scrap. 2024-07-11 17:09:00
LA1367342 Available Fabric Friction/Rubberized Tire Cord- Uncured Rubber Scrap. 2024-07-11 17:05:00
LA1367341 Available Green Tires & Carcass. 2024-07-11 17:01:00
LA1365538 Available Green Tires & Carcass. 2024-05-21 14:28:00
LA1364267 Available Cut tires. 2024-04-20 21:04:00
LA1364140 Available Green Tires & Carcass. 2024-04-17 13:52:00
LA1360793 Available Tread cut flat with no beads. 2024-01-21 00:26:00
LA1356118 Available Passenger car tire sidewalls. 2023-09-21 12:21:00
LA1348729 Available Waste tire rings and treads separated. 2023-04-07 12:38:00
LA1348705 Available Waste tire rings and treads separated . 2023-04-06 22:22:00
LA1345124 Available sidewalls. 2023-01-30 20:06:00
LA1344938 Available Uncured - rubberized steel bead, wire friction, carcass, and creel from tire plants. 2023-01-26 21:30:00
LA1341639 Available Sidwalls. 2022-11-28 14:10:00
LA1338854 Available Sidewalls. 2022-10-09 13:28:00
LW1338731 Wanted Passenger Tire Sidewalls . 2022-10-06 14:47:00
LA1317239 Available Car tire treads . 2021-10-06 16:57:00
LA1315200 Available sidewalls. 2021-09-09 15:46:00
LW1314542 Wanted 3 piece cut types. 2021-08-30 12:02:00
LA1312602 Available Passenger Treads (Bias). 2021-07-29 01:28:00
LA1312600 Available Mixed Passenger Sidewalls. 2021-07-29 01:21:00
LA1310326 Available sidewalls and tread. 2021-06-27 11:58:00
LA1299951 Available Passenger light truck and car side walls . 2021-02-27 03:47:00
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